Telegram Notification Setup for AWS SNS Message/Alarm

Purpose :

Need to make the SNS message or cloud watch alarm from SNS to send to telegram group or messages using telegram bot.

Services Used :

  • AWS Lambda
  • Telegram Bot
  • Python

Workflow :

  • Once we create the telegram bot, we will have the token and chat ID for the bot, and telegram is given the rest API to send a message to the bot.
  • So in this process, we need to set up one lambda which will call the telegram bot api to send the messages which is collected from sns.
  • For that we need add this lambda in the sns subscription so that whenever new messages come, it will trigger the lambda.

Procedure :


  • In the Telegram app, type and search for @BotFather. Next, press the Start button (alternatively, you may send the /start command). Once this is done, send the /newbot command and follow the few easy steps to create a new Telegram bot. The BotFather will generate an authorisation token for the new bot. This token is a string which resembles something like 123456789:ABCD1234efgh5678-IJKLM. This is required for sending requests to the Telegram Bot API.
  • In the Telegram app, search the name of the bot that you had created. Then, press the Start button (you may also send the /start botusername command). Write down any text message to chat with your bot. For, e.g., write โ€˜Helloโ€™.
  • Now, execute the Bot API call to retrieve the ID of your chat with the bot. In the given command, replace <token> with the value of the authorisation token that you had received from the BotFather.
    curl โ€˜<token>/getUpdatesโ€™ | python -m json.tool
    The output of this will give your chat id.
  • Please refer the following sample output of the curl โ€˜<token>/getUpdatesโ€™ | python -m json.tool
  • curl output of get chat id telegram
"ok": true,
"result": [
"message": {
"chat": {
"first_name": "<first_name>",
"id": <Enter your ID>,
"last_name": "<last_name>",
"type": "private"
"date": 1661359090,
"entities": [
"length": 6,
"offset": 0,
"type": "bot_command"
"from": {
"first_name": "<first_name>",
"id": <Enter your ID>,
"is_bot": false,
"language_code": "en",
"last_name": "<last_name>"
"message_id": 3,
"text": "/start"
"update_id": <Update ID>


  • We need to create one lambda function, which will trigger from SNS on publishing a message.
  • When the lambda is triggered, it collects the message from SNS and call the telegram bot API to send a message to particular group.
  • Need to have the chatbot id and API token of the telegram bot which we collected from STEP 1.
  • Please refer the following sample lambda code :

3) Configure SNS :

  • Now we need to go to our SNS topic which is publishing messages and alarms.
  • Here we need to click Create Subscription.
  • Parallelly copy the ARN from the created lambda in the new tab.
  • In the Create Subscription page, fill in the details with copied lambda arn as shown below, and then click Create subscription.
  • Now your aws SNS message and alarm to the telegram group is completed.




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